If you haven’t heard my story, my Dad’s a joiner. He’s 49, and has been working since he was 15. He’s a joiner and a very talented craftsman – producing some wonderful bespoke designs that are the outcome of years of practice. However, his knees, among other joints, are gone. When you see a loved one come home at night, sit on the sofa and stare helplessly at his beaten-up hands and then groan as he climbs out of the chair, it gives you a desire to help.
I admire both my parents, they work hard. I get my work ethic from them (and also my stubbornness not to give up). They’ve taught me what can come from lots of hard work. In recent years though, my Dad’s joints have started to give up and cause him some severe pain, which is starting to affect his ability to undertake his work. He’s a very skilled craftsman and joiner, but a lifetime in the trades is starting to seriously take its toll. If I can do one thing to help ease that pain even just a tiny amount, and repay him for the years of working to provide for myself and my brother, the I want to do it.
For me, when someone emails in or writes us a review saying how much they love the Recoil Knee Pads and how much of a difference our product has made in their working day- that’s how I measure business success. If we are helping someone like my Dad work in less pain then we’re doing ok – that’s what we’re all about. I do this for my Dad. To provide a solution on the market place that can make his job a bit easier but also so that I can build a successful business around it and hopefully take my turn at supporting him – he’s done it for me for the past 26 years, it’s about time I repaid the favour!
That’s my primary ambition and the reason for Recoil existing. That’s our mission, and we are open to feedback and comments to help us achieve that goal. Sometimes the truth hurts, but we like to hear it, the good and the bad! It means we can improve and keep producing an even better solution. Starting a business and launching a product is tough, its emotional and at times can be draining, but feedback and knowing that we are making a difference is what drives us and reminds us that our product is doing something good.
"The way to get started is to Quit Talking and BEGIN DOING"
- Walt Disney
Secondary to that, being very philosophical, I have a theory too of why Recoil’s existence is important from a wider perspective. We might not ever become Scotland’s next unicorn, but if my story goes on to inspire one other person to start a business and they become the next unicorn, then Recoil and VH Innovation has had even more of a purpose. All it takes is one person with a vision. If we can encourage and motivate them to pursue their dreams, just as we have done, then it’s worth it!