Living with Arthritis - Introducing Arthr!
Arthritis is a commonly misunderstood condition and affects people of all ages - even children and teenagers. It is believed to be around 1 in 10 people in the UK that are thought to be impacted by the condition. When living with Arthritis it's common to have stiff and painful joints in the morning, making it difficult to get up and start the day. The millions of people living with arthritis know how the condition can cause pain and fatigue which makes everyday tasks agonising. Chores like cooking, cleaning and garden work can really be a challenge, let alone manual...

What its really Like to Have A Knee Replacement: A Patients Perspective
Here at Recoil, your knees are important to us. The main reason these kneepads were created was to prevent knee pain. We asked a member of our team to interview her father who recently had a knee replacement. We wanted to really understand what occurs before, during and after a knee replacement so we can be more aware of what some of our customers go through and how we can help them. Charlie is a Farmer who spends the majority of the day on his feet. We asked him about his journey and about the lessons he has learnt. ...