Living with Arthritis - Introducing Arthr!
Arthritis is a commonly misunderstood condition and affects people of all ages - even children and teenagers. It is believed to be around 1 in 10 people in the UK that are thought to be impacted by the condition. When living with Arthritis it's common to have stiff and painful joints in the morning, making it difficult to get up and start the day. The millions of people living with arthritis know how the condition can cause pain and fatigue which makes everyday tasks agonising. Chores like cooking, cleaning and garden work can really be a challenge, let alone manual...

Lockdown Lessons for the Construction Industry
As construction workers return to their duties throughout the UK, there seems no better time to reflect on COVID and its effects on the construction industry than now. Here at Recoil we’ve noted some key lessons we’ve learned from our Construction clients and how the future looks for them in these unprecedented times. Demands for Quality Spaces With so many stuck in their homes and gardens for months on end, there has been heightened importance for people regarding the quality of their indoor and outdoor space. As showrooms begin opening their doors once again, we’re sure to see a huge...

Lockdown DIY: 3 Top Tips before you start tiling!
Well, here we are folks! All living in the midst of a global lockdown, with many of us feeling motivated to FINALLY complete those home improvements. Is it down to boredom? Is it down to a lack of excuses not to? Is it down to nagging from the other half? Who cares! What matters is you’re ready to turn that tired old bathroom or kitchen into your new pride and joy. However, before you get grouting, we’ve got three key tips to make sure you’re prepared for tiling greatness… No 1 – Size matters! If you haven’t chosen your...

How to grow your Trade Through Social Media
Social media is a brilliant tool that you can use to promote your trade or product. If used correctly it can help you to generate leads and improve/maintain your relationships with customers. This blog will help you to improve your social media game, so you can reach your business goals What should I post? Firstly, ask yourself “What do my customers want to see?”. If you are trying to generate leads through social media, then you need to show off the work you have done in the past. Take good quality photos and upload them to Instagram with relevant hashtags. If...

Things you should know before you become a Tradesman
You will become known as the “handyman” to all your friends and family…beware “Can you pop round to have a look at…” all becomes a little too common! Tradesmen don’t remember asking their friends to work for free?! What is a 9-5 job??? Tradesmen can all agree that the unpredictable hours are challenging at times. The job can run over and take longer than expected and throw things out of schedule. But we know their passion and dedication makes it all worthwhile. Protect your knees We’ve all heard of builder’s bum… (and some may be a...