Reflecting on the 'life' challenges along the way
There's a lot of support and encouragement to start a business, but the reality of how that is done financially is often a key concern for many would be young entrepreneurs. It’s possibly the most terrifying bit and although it may seem an easier risk when you’re younger and have less responsibilities, it’s still a pretty terrifying one. When you decide to stop on that route to sound, secure employment that you’ve spent that last 5 years studying at university for, while all your friends continue down that path and begin the process of buying flats, getting married,...

The India Trade Mission
On the 4th October 2014 I headed out to India on a trade mission organised by Scottish Development International. The main focus for us on this mission was to identify potential distribution and manufacturing or licensing partners abroad who could work with us to set up a hub to access markets in Asia and Australia for our protective knee pad product. During the mission I spent time in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi, visiting a number of manufacturers and distributors and attending numerous networking events to grown our name and brand. The first stop on the mission was Bangalore in the South...