The first stop on the mission was Bangalore in the South of India. Arriving early on Sunday morning, we had a day to recover before a full on two days of meetings, briefings, and networking. An overview of the Indian market by KPMG kicked off the week before I headed out into Bangalore to meet with three potential manufacturers and a potential distributer of healthcare products. Battling the Bangalore traffic was definitely worth it to meet potential business partners and scope out the manufacturing facilities on offer! Following on from Bangalore, the mission then caught an early morning flight and moved onto Hyderabad, where I met with a further two manufacturers and attended another networking event to meet with numerous other businesses in the Hyderabad area.
After an early morning flight to Hyderabad, a briefing with the Deputy High Commissioner, more meetings, a late night networking event, another day of meetings…the tiredness was starting to catch up with me as we boarded the flight to Delhi! But the impressiveness of some of the sights in the Indian capital, especially at the welcome reception at the British High Commissioners Residence, spurred me on for my next meetings and attendance at the British Business Convention at the Taj Palace Hotel.
It was a full on 6 days, but was definitely worthwhile. For VH Innovation it was extremely important for us to visit potential manufacturing and distribution partners overseas due to the international brand we are trying to create.