We are currently embarking on a customer understanding mission. What is this? To understand who are our customers exactly, in all their different shapes and sizes. This year has had an eventful start. We have moved into a new co-working office, been to trade shows, won some awards and fellowships and grew the team. We have been selling our kneepads consistently since we launched in June 2016, which means that we have some excellent feedback on our first version of Recoil Kneepads.
We've been brainstorming, analysing and finding solutions to the queries on our first product, and applying it to the development of our newest edition of Recoil Kneepads. Shout out to STEP3D for the space on the walls and the kick**s table - and of course Euans guidance and Dickons photography.
More than anything, we value what our customers think about the product, and any issues they face we aim to solve and produce the solution in our new product. The next 3 months will include more trade shows, potentially some more awards (Vicky's just too damn good) and a new and improved Recoil Kneepad product.
Look out for updates on what we are up to and if you'd like to chat, we love to chat. It's our second favourite thing to do...first is wearing our Recoil Kneepads...obviously.